Yeast Rolls



Yeast Rolls (cont)


[Note that lightly greasing the baking sheet and the rising bowl can easily be
accomplised using about a 1/2 cc of butter and a piece of wax paper as a spreader.]

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cover the rolls and cooking sheet with a moist towel and let rise again for 1/2 to 1 hour.
Again, the rolls will almost double in size.

Cook the rolls for 15 - 20 minutes, checking frequently towards the end. Remove from oven
when the rolls are
slightly golden brown... this is subtle and it's easy to overcook them.

Remove from oven and quickly transfer to a wire grill to cool.

This is a work in progress. The idea of disgarding the "in-between" dough has actually
not been tried but would seem to make sense based on my last try. The hardest part of
the process is forming the rolls onto the baking sheet because the dough is sticky but
does not want to "merge" with itself. I also experimented with cooking temperature and
time... my most successful batch so far was 350 degrees for about 15 minutes and then
375 for another 7 minutes.

My last results were pretty acceptable and I think were what the original baker intended,
but they're not like "mom's". They are not sweet enough for one thing so maybe more
sugar is needed. Also, at least one other recipe was similar but didn't have the eggs.


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